About Me:

I am an educator, facilitator, and coach working in the service of social movements, power-building organizations, and their leaders. I am a nonbinary, queer person with ancestral roots in Southern Mexico and come to this work with nearly twenty years of combined social justice experience as a community organizer, college instructor, program manager, political educator, community interpreter, facilitator, and capacity builder.

I support organizations in developing a culture of collective belonging and empowerment and tools to support a long-term, power-building strategy. I also provide individual and group coaching to mid-career BIPOC, Queer, and Trans leaders seeking to come more fully into their joy, inner knowing, and power.

A lifelong learner and thought-partner at heart, I approach my work with curiosity, enthusiasm, and a deep belief in my clients’ capacity for bold and values-aligned transformation. In all collaborations, I bring a broad repertoire of insights and tools to support your process as well as a deep, embodied presence that can hold space for complex and necessary conversations. As a native Spanish speaker with a strong foundation in language justice, I especially enjoy the magic and intricacy of facilitating multi-language processes and retreats.

Formal Education

  • University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D Candidate)

  • California State University, Los Angeles (B.A. and M.A.)


  • Healing and Reconciliation Institute Facilitator Training

  • Co-Active Coaching Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Coaching for Healing Justice and Liberation

  • SEEDS Community Resolution Center 40-Hour Mediation Certification

  • AORTA Headwaters Facilitation Apprenticeship

  • The Management Center’s Managing to Change the World

  • Training for Change Advanced Training of Trainers

  • Generative Somatics Transformation in Action