A Glimpse of Offerings

  • 1:1 Coaching for Queer, Trans, and BIPOC Leaders Working in Non-Profit Organizations

    Through 1:1 sessions, I hold space for leaders seeking to get clear on the kind of life they want in and out of their workplace. I support clients with identifying their goals, developing a strategy to reach them, and in troubleshooting potential and existing challenges, all while centering their agency and the sacredness of their unique path.

  • Workshops, Trainings, and Group Coaching

    I am available to co-create, develop, and facilitate learning journeys on the following topics:

    • Participatory Decision-Making Frameworks and Practices

    • Principles of Collective Governance

    • Facilitation Fundamentals

    • Tools for Navigating Conflict

  • Organizational Consulting and Facilitation

    I am available to facilitate the following processes:

    • Strategic Planning

    • Retreat Facilitation

    • DEI Assessments and Recommendations

    • Multi-organizational Convenings

  • Conflict Mediation

    Guided by a healing and repair framework, I support groups in moving through conflict in a way that centers the dignity of every party, addresses power dynamics, and supports deeper understanding and greater trust.